Armyverse Wiki

Artistry was talent in one or more artforms used for self-expression and often professionally. Artistry could include poetry and prose, storytelling, musical composition or performance, visual arts such as painting and sculpting, dancing, acting, and other performance. Many things could be viewed as an artform, but this skill refers more specifically to these things.

Skill users[]

Richard Wagner

Richard Wagner was a gifted composer and storyteller whose works went down in history as some of the greatest operas of all time. Der Ring des Nibelungen, Wagner's most famous series, inspired the Hans Wagner masterpiece safes and continued to receive an audience into the modern era.[1]

Larry Fong poster

Larry Fong was a successful performance artist who gave magic shows at the 7 of Clubs Room in Las Vegas.[2]


Korina Dominguez was a skilled music producer, putting together at least two songs which she DJed for the Rheingold heist success party. Whether these were collaborative works is unknown, but she viewed them as her music, which indicates that her work on them was significant.[1]

Ludwig Dieter

Ludwig Dieter wrote and drew a comic book in his youth.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Shay Hatten (writer) & Matthias Schweighöfer (director) (October 29, 2021). Army of Thieves.
  2. Shay Hatten, Zack Snyder, Joby Harold (writers) & Zack Snyder (director) (May 14, 2021). Army of the Dead.

Combat skills: Exceptional physiologyHand-to-hand combatMarksmanshipZombie experienceZombie physiology
Professional skills: ArtistryBusiness acuityCookingDetectionDrivingEngineeringHackingMechanicsPilotrySafecrackingSmuggling
Other skills: CommunicationInfection manipulationLeadershipMultilingualismPlan-makingSleight of handSocial manipulation