Armyverse Wiki

Exceptional physiology was a broad way to describe any physical traits of a person which separated their physical prowess from the average person. This could include physical strength, run speed, reaction time and reflexes, stamina, and durability. A number of the characters in the Armyverse use these traits during the events of the films.

Skill users[]

Beyond alpha physiology[]

The following characters either have physiology comparable to alpha zombies despite not being infected, or have physiological traits that are beyond that of a typical alpha.


Zeus had the greatest known physiology of any human. He was already a large, muscular man prior to his zombie transformation, but with the enhancement of his zombie physiology, especially due to being the original alpha, he became incredibly powerful. In addition to easily overpowering Scott Ward, who also had peak physiology, he was able to fling Vanderohe across the Götterdämmerung vault room with a one-armed blow. He also defeated Valentine, a full-grown tiger, in single combat.[1][2]

Zombie tiger

Valentine was already powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with Zeus prior to her zombie transformation, but bitten by Zeus, she became an alpha, and as such her body became much more resistant to trauma. It's likely that she, like most alphas, was somewhat physically enhanced by the transformation, but the zombie plague's effect on animals is not entirely clear. Her infection nullified any desire to resist Zeus, so it's unknown if she became stronger than him after her transformation.[1]


Wildfire, as a horse, was much stronger and faster than even strong humans, which was only fortified by the effects of becoming a zombie.[1]

Scott Ward

Scott Ward displayed monstrous strength for a human, even rivaling that of the strength of standard alphas. He was able to hold them back with his body alone and lift one above his head to smash it against the wall, destroying its brain.[1]

Brad Cage

Brad Cage had excellent physique, using great strength and agility to fight multiple security guards in NPIB Prague, including lifting one in the air.[3]

Alpha physiology[]

Alpha zombies naturally have exceptional physiology due to the effects of Zeus' bite.

Exceptional physiology[]

The following characters have shown exceptional physiology compared to the average human.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Shay Hatten, Zack Snyder, Joby Harold (writers) & Zack Snyder (director) (May 14, 2021). Army of the Dead.
  2. Shay Hatten (writer) & Jay Oliva, Zack Snyder (directors) (Spring 2022). Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas.
  3. Shay Hatten (writer) & Matthias Schweighöfer (director) (October 29, 2021). Army of Thieves.

Combat skills: Exceptional physiologyHand-to-hand combatMarksmanshipZombie experienceZombie physiology
Professional skills: ArtistryBusiness acuityCookingDetectionDrivingEngineeringHackingMechanicsPilotrySafecrackingSmuggling
Other skills: CommunicationInfection manipulationLeadershipMultilingualismPlan-makingSleight of handSocial manipulation