"I meant it as a compliment from a nerd to another nerd. No need to cry."
Korina Dominguez, Army of Thieves
Korina Dominguez was the master hacker for Gwendoline's heist crew, who, among other things, delved into technology to find the location of the Hans Wagner safes. Korina was portrayed by Ruby O. Fee in Army of Thieves and was last seen being captured by Interpol at the end of the movie.
Early life[]

Korina at age 10
Korina was interested in technology from an early age. When she was ten she hacked into a major movie production's private servers to leak an early copy of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest for her younger brother, who was a fan. The incident, while not the most impressive of her feats, was an international news story, though Korina was never caught. Gwendoline Starr eventually called upon Korina's talents when she was older, and with a small team, they pulled off five bank heists within a four year period.[1]
Rheingold heist[]

Korina DJs the heist afterparty
The easiest of the Ring Cycle heists, there were no digital security measures for Korina to face when going for the Rheingold. Her role, instead, was to cause a minor distraction while Gwen was in the safety deposit box vault so she and Sebastian could sneak into the Rheingold vault and Sebastian could begin to work at it. Korina took the attention of the two tellers by fabricating a credit card problem, then all that was left for her to do was wait for the others to finish their tasks. Everything went according to plan, and they drove away much richer.[1]
Valkyrie heist[]

Korina hacks into the NPIB Prague security systems
Korina spent months prior to this series of heists reconning NPIB Prague's digital security in preparation for the heist of the Valkyrie. Her role was to guide Sebastian and Gwen through the bank, bypassing the security measures that might stand in their way and getting the pair to the vault without any unwanted attention. She succeeded, but one of the guards noticed Sebastian's disappearance in their video feeds. Looking into it further, the guards found that he'd pretended to unlock a door while Korina unlocked it from the van, and so they realized someone was in their system. They locked down the elevators so they could look into it, which Korina noticed and relayed to Brad. He decided to take the guards' attention for himself by launching a bank robbery of his own. His mission a success, he fled back to the van, followed by Gwen and Sebastian.

Korina and Gwen break into Sebastian's apartment
He helped Gwen into the moving van, then tossed Sebastian back out into the street. Rolph drove them out of town, where Gwen decided to leave the group. Korina joined her, valuing the work she put into planning the final heist. The pair made their way back to Sebastian's apartment, where they broke in and waited for him, hoping he hadn't been caught by the police.[1]
Siegfried heist[]

Korina tricks Bly's Casino into moving up their schedule
Korina, Gwen, and Sebastian agreed to go after the Siegfried even without Brad and Rolph, and headed to St. Moritz where the safe was kept in Bly's Casino. This time, rather than sneaking into the safe's vault, the team used the fact that Bly Tanaka was moving his safes to Geneva to trick the casino into giving them the safe. Korina called the casino acting as an Interpol agent and informed them that the safe was likely to be targeted. The casino agreed to move the transport of the safe up in secret to prevent any criminal intent having to do with the scheduled transport time. Gwen and Sebastian stole the incoming transport truck and Korina tricked and disabled the Interpol agent watching the Siegfried's exit so the safe could be removed without alerting Interpol. While Gwen and Sebastian picked up the safe, Korina played prerecorded radio transmissions between Gwen and Sebastian for the sake of the Interpol agents lying in wait for the heist.

Korina is captured by Interpol
When Interpol finally attempted to intercept the heist team, Gwen and Sebastian were already well on their way to cracking the safe. As the Interpol agents left the casino in dismay, Korina noticed Brad's phone had appeared in the vicinity with her GPS tracker. She left the van to take a closer look, and saw Brad and Rolph as they pulled away after Gwen. Exposed in the middle of the street, Vincent Delacroix's agents surrounded her and he began to threaten her. Beatrix offered to look after her little brother if she merely gave them one piece of information: The location of Gwen's escape route. Korina begrudgingly sold out her friend for her brother and was arrested.[1]
- Hacking: Korina is a master hacker, capable to digging into any digital security on which she can get her hands. At the age of ten she'd already managed to hack into a major motion picture studio's private servers to access and leak an early copy of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. She also later outsmarted Interpol's techie, who was likely extremely talented in his own right considering the nature of his position.
- Detection: Digging into NPIB Prague's digital security protocalls, Korina was able to find solutions to potential problems that might occur during the Valkyrie heist.
- Communication: Korina was very effective in communicating the information of the upcoming heists to Gwendoline's heist crew, as well as tricking bank, casino, and Interpol employees into playing into the team's hands.
- Multilingualism: Korina is fluent in English, Brazilian Portuguese, and French.
- Artistry: When Sebastian complimented her music choices, Korina revealed that she'd made all the music she was DJing herself.
- Computer: Korina used a cutting edge computer for her exploits into the reconning and deconstructing of digital security protocols. There was a monitor setup kept in each of the team's three escape vans, into which she connected the laptop. The computer also kept track of the location of Gwendoline Starr and Brad Cage's phones.
- Korina tells Sebastian that she only DJs her own music, which means she created the songs "Electric Swing" and "Firewall." These are the songs that play while she's acting as DJ at the party. "Goin' Crazy" also later plays from the stereo as Korina is driving the crew to Bly's Casino, which may or may not fall under Korina's definition of DJing, and as such all three of these songs could have been created by her. The fact that Stephanie Olmanni sings both "Firewall" and "Goin' Crazy" lends credence to this notion.
- These songs were originally written and performed by Goldkimono and Stephanie Olmanni in the real world, respectively.
- The incident about the leaked Pirates of the Caribbean film is somewhat rooted in fact. An early copy of one of the films was obtained by hackers and leaked early. However, unlike what was depicted onscreen, it was not the film Dead Man's Chest that was leaked prematurely, but rather the similarly entitled installment Dead Men Tell No Tales.
- Army of Thieves composer Hans Zimmer also composed the music for Dead Man's Chest.
- The phone number Korina used during the Valkyrie heist was 420-775-666-475. This is a Czech Republic phone number, matching their presence in Prague at the time.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Shay Hatten (writer) & Matthias Schweighöfer (director) (October 29, 2021). Army of Thieves.
Gwendoline's heist crew | |
Members: | Gwendoline Starr • Brad Cage • Korina Dominguez • Rolph • Sebastian Schlencht-Wöhnert/Ludwig Dieter |
Army of Thieves characters | |
Credited: | Sebastian Schlencht-Wöhnert • Gwendoline Starr • Brad Cage • Rolph • Korina Dominguez • Vincent Delacroix • Beatrix • Hans Wagner • Neo • Fireball • Valiant • Inge • Joe • Pavel • Chris • Gil Pedretti |
Uncredited: | Scott Ward • Maria Cruz • Bly Tanaka • Richard Wagner |