Armyverse Wiki

"You're the coyote, right? Take us in. Please."

Smuggling was the act of moving goods or people undetected across boundaries, such as bringing illegal drugs and weapons into a country or sneaking criminals past law enforcement. The skill required knowledge of how rules were enforced and the ability to strategize around them to avoid being caught.

Skill users[]

The Coyote

Lilly was a skilled smuggler who earned the title of "the Coyote" among the residents of McCarran Quarantine Camp. She smuggled both people and goods over the border to and from the Las Vegas quarantine zone.[1]

Kate Ward

Kate Ward performed a minor feat of smuggling that enabled the Götterdämmerung heist to unfold, bringing the heist team into McCarran Quarantine Camp so they could be smuggled the rest of the way by Lilly.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Shay Hatten, Zack Snyder, Joby Harold (writers) & Zack Snyder (director) (May 14, 2021). Army of the Dead.

Combat skills: Exceptional physiologyHand-to-hand combatMarksmanshipZombie experienceZombie physiology
Professional skills: ArtistryBusiness acuityCookingDetectionDrivingEngineeringHackingMechanicsPilotrySafecrackingSmuggling
Other skills: CommunicationInfection manipulationLeadershipMultilingualismPlan-makingSleight of handSocial manipulation