Armyverse Wiki

Lieutenant Colonel Sullivan was a member of United States Army during the zombie wars. He was portrayed by Mike Justus in the opening titles of Army of the Dead.


Zombie wars[]

Sullivan's last stand

Sullivan calls in an airstrike on Tropicana Avenue

LTC Sullivan was part of the ground forces in the zombie wars. When his platoon was swarmed, he made his final stand on a Humvee-mounted machine gun on Tropicana Avenue before the shamblers tore him apart.[1]


  • Smoke signal grenade: Sullivan used a colored smoke grenade to direct an air strike on his location after it had fallen into the hands of the undead.
  • Browning M2HB: Sullivan made his last stand in the zombie wars with a Humvee-mounted Browning .50 cal.



  1. Shay Hatten, Zack Snyder, Joby Harold (writers) & Zack Snyder (director) (May 14, 2021). Army of the Dead.

US Air Force: KellyBissellMothershipFour HorsemenArea 51
US Army: Sullivan
TBA: VanderoheTorranceRichards

Army of the Dead characters
Credited: Scott WardKate WardVanderoheMaria CruzBurt CummingsLudwig DieterLillyBly TanakaMartinMarianne PetersMikey GuzmanGeetaChambersZeusKellyHillmanMisty HillmanBissellSoccer MomDaglieshKevinFemale PunditSeanAngelaAdjitLaura WardAnitaSharkeyCarlosDamonDaisyAthenaAlpha GeneralJessicaChavez
Uncredited: ValentineWildfirezombie fetusSullivanNovakLarry FongPresident of the United States