Armyverse Wiki

"One comes at you, shoot it in the brain. It's that simple. Any questions?"

Zombie experience referred to a person's experience with engaging zombies in some form, be it observation, combat, or otherwise. Zombies were not considered to have this skill because their knowledge, even of themselves, was animalistic. Note that experience of zombies and killing zombies are two different skills, the latter typically involving marksmanship or hand-to-hand combat.

Skill users[]

High experience[]


Vanderohe arguably had the most experience with zombies, not only being one of the few people who definitively knew of the existence of alphas prior to the Götterdämmerung heist, but having also known of the original zombie, Zeus, prior to the Götterdämmerung heist. He was one of the original zombie survivors who founded Las Vengeance to save Las Vegas residents during the outbreak, and he fought zombies both during the zombie wars and the Götterdämmerung heist.[1]

The Coyote

Lilly had a significant amount of experience with zombies after Las Vegas was walled off from the world, being the one person to continue entering the city on repeated occasions. She learned of the alpha kingdom that had developed after the quarantine before anyone else and was very familiar with the differences between alphas and shamblers. She also theorized of the existence of Zeus before ever seeing him.[1]

Scott Ward

Scott Ward was one of the founding members of Las Vengeance, as well as its primary leader. The group was established for the sake of saving residents of Las Vegas from the hordes of zombies that haunted its streets, and became so successful that even the military deferred to the group.[1]

Viva Las Vengeance gunner

Vera led multiple missions into Las Vegas as part of Las Vengeance Search & Rescue, including encountering Zeus and his alphas on at least one occasion.[2]


Jack drove multiple missions for Vera in zombie-run Vegas, including encountering alphas on at least one occasion.[2]

Viva Las Vengeance avatar selection

Las Vengeance recruits attended a single mission with Las Vengeance Search & Rescue, but in that short time they encountered many zombies, including hundreds of alphas.[2]

Maria Cruz

Maria Cruz was another founding member of Las Vengeance, and so spent a great deal of her efforts saving people from zombies. Her experience was more limited than some of the other members' due to her role becoming that of an external coordinator, separated from the zombie hordes. She was notably unaware of the existence of alphas prior to the Götterdämmerung heist.[1][2]

Danielle Burgio as Soccer Mom

Soccer Mom had a great deal of experience dealing with shamblers in Las Vegas during her time with Las Vengeance Search & Rescue. As a direct part of the rescue efforts her experience was beyond that of those in ther periphery of the wars, such as Guzman and his crew.[1]

Wayne Daglish as Dagliesh

Dagliesh, like the soccer mom, had a great deal of experience dealing with shamblers in Las Vegas during his time with Las Vengeance Search & Rescue.[1]

Mikey Guzman

Mikey Guzman had a great deal of experience dealing with shamblers in Las Vegas during the zombie wars for the sake of his YouTube channel. He remained separate from the wars themselves, and so didn't get close to any alphas prior to the Götterdämmerung heist. It was this experience that earned him not just a slot on the Las Vengeance heist team, but the highest pay outside of the returning members.[1]

Antonio Leyba as Carlos

Carlos spent a lot of time helping Guzman with his YouTube channel, sometimes killing more zombies than Guzman while Guzman toyed with the more interesting methods of killing. As a result, he was a seasoned zombie killer.[1]

Marianne Peters

Marianne Peters was another early member of Las Vengeance - a survivor of the initial outbreak who stuck around to help others get out of the city. The extent of her work with the rescue efforts is unknown, but as their pilot she was likely not as directly involved with zombies as her companions were.[1]

Kate Ward

Kate Ward was a survivor of the Las Vegas outbreak who later went on to return to the city to rescue Geeta during the Götterdämmerung heist, where she encountered alphas.[1]

Ludwig Dieter

Ludwig Dieter didn't encounter zombies until the Götterdämmerung heist, but he received a large amount of experience with shamblers and alphas in a very short time, including so much as encountering Zeus directly.[1]

Low experience[]

The following people have come face to face with zombies in some form, but their experience granted them little more than what the average person could be expected to know of zombies. This includes people who may have fought zombies or seen the inner workings of the zombie kingdom, but didn't survive their first encounter, such as Chambers and Burt Cummings.


Combat skills: Exceptional physiologyHand-to-hand combatMarksmanshipZombie experienceZombie physiology
Professional skills: ArtistryBusiness acuityCookingDetectionDrivingEngineeringHackingMechanicsPilotrySafecrackingSmuggling
Other skills: CommunicationInfection manipulationLeadershipMultilingualismPlan-makingSleight of handSocial manipulation